Business licensing to be streamlined

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The City of Simpsonville is excited to announce the arrival of our new business license online portal! The portal will allow you to renew a business license or apply for a new business license completely online in 3 easy steps.

The link for the online portal will be available March 6th on our Business Licenses webpage: Business Licenses. Directions to apply for a new business license and renew a business license are included on the webpage.

The online portal will streamline the business licensing process and make it more efficient by replacing several applications with one online portal. Please note that paper or hard copy applications will no longer be accepted by the City; all business licensing will occur via the online portal.

Staff is excited about the new process because it will improve customer service and customer experience. We look forward to being able to better serve businesses, and we wish you much success in the coming year. 

If you have any questions, please contact Finance Director Christine Furino at or Business Licensing & Permitting Clerk Faith Scruggs

Thank you for doing business in the City of Simpsonville!